Turkish Foreign Policy

Turkish Foreign Policy

In Altinbas University, a discussion on 'Opportunities in Turkish Foreign Policy in the Second Century of the Republic' was held. During the discussion, a projection for the future century with a focus on Turkey was made.
The careers that increase blood pressure

The careers that increase blood pressure

Prof. Dr. Özlem Esen, the head of the Department of Cardiology at the University School of Medicine, stated that professionals in high-stress jobs are at a higher risk of developing hypertension.
The Reality of Western Azerbaijan: Historical Truths Conference.

The Reality of Western Azerbaijan: Historical Truths Conference.

Altinbas University organized a conference in collaboration with the Consulate General of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Istanbul and the West Azerbaijan Community, titled "The Reality of Western Azerbaijan: Historical Truths Conference."
Delicious Diet Kitchen

Delicious Diet Kitchen

"Leziz Diyet Mutfağı" Delicious Diet Kitchen published as part of Altinbas University's "100 Books Project as a Gift to the 100th Anniversary of Our Republic,
The Ornament of The Other ​

The Ornament of The Other ​

At the German Consulate, we successfully completed the first stage of the two-part project "The Ornament of The Other" with a magnificent exhibition and exhibition cocktail.
Art and Design Talks started

Art and Design Talks started

The first of the Art and Design talks moderated by Prof. Dr. Nurcan Perdahcı was held on Thursday, October 19 at Altınbaş University Gayrettepe campus.
Child and Women's Health

Child and Women's Health

Altınbaş University Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Pharmacy organized a Health Congress. In the joint congress of the faculties, Child and Women's Health in the 100th Year of the Republic was discussed in different dimensions.
Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy, one of today's focal points of interest, was discussed at Altınbaş University. The Panel on Safety and Sustainability in Nuclear Energy was hosted by Dr. Francesco Vicinanza and Marek Tengler, nuclear energy experts with global studies.
Giant step for early diagnosis of cancer diseases

Giant step for early diagnosis of cancer diseases

An international consortium including Altınbaş University Faculty of Medicine is working on a laser platform that will enable early diagnosis of many deadly diseases such as cancer.
Meeting with the Rector

Meeting with the Rector

Altınbaş University Rector, Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan, gathered with students, administrative, and academic staff, discussing evaluations about the semester's activities.