Child and Women's Health

Altınbaş University Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Pharmacy organized a Health Congress. In the joint congress of the faculties, Child and Women's Health in the 100th Year of the Republic was discussed in different dimensions.

Altınbaş University organized a congress as part of its 100th-anniversary events, with the participation of expert academicians and doctors such as Dr. Yankı Yazgan, Prof. Dr. Oya Gökmen, and Prof. Dr. Canan Seren. The opening of the congress was conducted by the Vice Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Ali Argun Karacabey. Prof. Dr. Karacabey highlighted that they have organized various important events in the past year, ranging from book publications to science and art. He mentioned that the health congress aimed to raise awareness about the health of children and women, two crucial themes entrusted by Atatürk for the Republic and the construction of a modern society.

Prof. Dr. Tunç Fışgın, the Dean of Altınbaş University's Faculty of Medicine and a Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Specialist, emphasized that Turkey has created a true success story in the field of health in the 100 years of the Republic. He particularly pointed out the importance of child and women's health and the steps to be taken in this regard in building the future.

Prof. Dr. Canan Seren, a faculty member at the Department of Neonatology at 19 May University's Faculty of Medicine, discussed the progress in child health in Turkey over the past 100 years. She provided historical information, stating that with the 3rd Law enacted by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the Ministry of Health was established. In a period when the population was around 13.5 million, it was estimated that the infant mortality rate was 250/1000 in 1923. However, she also noted that some social research suggested that one in every two babies born was lost within two years.

Prof. Dr. Seren emphasized that Turkey has created a true success story in child health, highlighting the establishment of the first pediatric clinic with 10 beds at the Istanbul Kadırga Women's Maternity Clinic. She mentioned the opening of the first specialized pediatric training at Istanbul University's Faculty of Medicine Hospital in 1928 and the launch of Turkey's first children's hospital, İzmir Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, with 150 beds in Izmir. Prof. Dr. Seren also discussed the establishment of the Turkish Pediatric Society, initially named the "Pediatricians Council," in 1930.

Dr. Başak Adaklı Aksoy, a faculty member in the Department of Child Health at Altınbaş University's Faculty of Medicine, emphasized the importance of research and development (R&D) activities. Dr. Aksoy stressed that more resources should be allocated to R&D activities in the coming 100 years. She pointed out that although pediatric chemotherapy and oncology are considered as an entire branch in Turkey, there is still a need for more specialized professionals and interdisciplinary collaboration to provide comprehensive care for childhood cancer patients.

Dr. İsmail Yormaz, who has held high-level positions in the Turkish and Italian pharmaceutical sectors for many years, evaluated the 100 years of the Turkish pharmaceutical sector. As of December 2022, he provided information about approximately 855 organizations operating in Turkey, 103 pharmaceutical and radiopharmaceutical production facilities producing at international standards, and 13 raw material production facilities. Dr. Yormaz stated that about 185 countries receive exports of more than 16,000 products.

According to Dr. Yormaz, the desired target has not yet been achieved when considering annual inflation. He emphasized the importance of the decision to support projects for the development of vaccines, drugs, medical devices, diagnostic kits, and artificial intelligence-based health technologies in the Medium-Term Program published in the Official Gazette on September 4, 2022. Dr. Yormaz also reminded that the strategic importance of the pharmaceutical industry was confirmed in the 2023 Presidential Annual Program, saying that Turkey needs to achieve about $7 billion more in exports to realize its real potential. He stressed the necessity for long-term R&D studies and noted that Turkish investors are somewhat impatient and want immediate results.