Art and Design Talks started

The first of the Art and Design talks moderated by Prof. Dr. Nurcan Perdahcı was held on Thursday, October 19 at Altınbaş University Gayrettepe campus.

As part of the events for the 100th anniversary of the Republic, the "Exhibition of Faculty Members from Fine Arts Faculties and Fine Arts Education Departments 2023" was organized. The first session of the discussions, moderated by Prof. Dr. Nurcan Perdahcı, featured the participation of Prof. Dr. Tülin Onat and Prof. Dr. Hüsamettin Koçan.

Prof. Dr. Tülin Onat, in 1987, co-founded the Derimod Cultural Center with Hasan Yelmen, taking on the design of numerous exhibitions. She played a crucial role in the field of plastic arts in Turkey during that period. She pioneered the preparation of books and catalogs alongside artists' exhibitions for the first time. She organized many retrospective exhibitions and received various awards, including the 1977 II. DYO Exhibition Honor Award, 1988 State Painting and Sculpture Exhibition Award, and 1989 Contemporary Artists, Istanbul. Her works are featured in numerous private collections and museums both domestically and internationally.

Prof. Dr. Hüsamettin Koçan played a role in establishing the Turkish branch of the International Art Association (AIAP), a UNESCO-affiliated organization. He served as the president of the board of directors of this association between 1990-1995. The artist, also the founder of Baksı Museum and Istanbul Art Fairs, conducted numerous projects and research in countries such as Germany, Austria, Belgium, South Korea, England, Spain, Italy, Japan, Portugal, and Poland. In 2014, he was honored with the Turkish Grand National Assembly Award. His artworks are currently present in various private collections and museums worldwide.

Baksı Museum received the "2014 European Council Museum Award" under the auspices of the European Parliament, and on April 8th in Strasbourg, Palais Rohan, the symbolic bronze sculpture "Beautiful Breasted Woman" by Joan Miro, representing the award, was exhibited at the Museum for one year.