The Ornament of The Other ​

At the German Consulate, we successfully completed the first stage of the two-part project "The Ornament of The Other" with a magnificent exhibition and exhibition cocktail.

The exhibition was attended by various individuals, including the German Consul, Cultural Attaché, Dr. Ayşegül Altınbaş, and her husband Nusret Altınbaş, Project Manager Prof. Christine Ludeke, German academics from Pforzheim University, students, Altınbaş University's Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Dean Nurcan Perdahcı, faculty members such as Dr. Raife Yaşar Eyiler, Instructor Nevin Cambaz, Research Assistant Mert Hatipoğlu, and Research Assistant Hakan Aktuğ, as well as the Workshop Technical Supervisor of the Jewelry Design Department, Engin Kamış.

The exhibition began with opening speeches by the German Consul and the program manager. Turkish and German students jointly explained their group projects to visitors. During the exhibition, Altınbaş University's Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Dean, Prof. Dr. Nurcan Perdahcı, and Prof. Christine Ludeke from Pforzheim University presented participation certificates to the German academics 
 students as well as the Altınbaş University team involved in this project. While handing out the certificates, Prof. Christine Ludeke coined a beautiful slogan, "Germany's Golden CITY Pforzheim met Turkey's Golden HEAD."
Amidst pleasant conversations and cultural and artistic exchanges between the groups, a slogan emerged during a conversation between Dr. Ayşegül Altınbaş, Prof. Dr. Nurcan Perdahcı, Instructor Nevin Cambaz, Research Assistant Hakan Aktuğ, Dr. Leyla Ulusman, and Engin Kamış: "The language of art transcended borders," which beautifully described the event.