Message from the Head of Department

The Department of Industrial Engineering aims to provide students with the engineering knowledge and skills that will enable businesses to achieve their critical goals such as productivity, quality, innovation and sustainability. Our department provides education on the design, analysis, improvement and management of complex processes and systems in which resources such as people, machinery, materials, information, energy and capital are used effectively. Our department offers a rich curriculum that will enable students to acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge.
In addition, our students gain experience in laboratories equipped with simulation, ergonomics, production planning, inventory control, robotics and automation, which are the core areas of industrial engineering. Our department offers a flexible education system where students can take elective courses from different engineering and social sciences to develop their interdisciplinary study skills. Our department contributes to the professional development of students with the industrial engineering design project course, which allows students to solve real-life problems before graduation. Our department organizes various clubs and organizations to encourage students to participate in academic and social activities. Our department constantly renews itself to ensure that students become qualified industrial engineers who can compete at national and international level and are sought after in the industry and service sector.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Can TÜRKÜN
Head of Department of Industrial Engineering