Student Life

Fighting Addiction

Fighting Addiction

Fighting addiction comprises different stages of efforts such as developing and improving activities for the prevention of addiction, early intervention, diagnosis, treatment, harm reduction, information gathering and evaluation.

What is addiction?

Addiction is continuing to use a harmful substance despite the fact that it causes mental, physical, or social problems, failing to respond to the desire to quit the substance and to stop the desire to take the substance. Addiction is a chronic brain disease. A compulsive behaviour can be diagnosed as addiction, which is a psychiatric syndrome, when only three of the criteria listed below are observed simultaneously.

Developing tolerance to the substance.

Appearance of withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued or reduced.

Fruitless efforts made to control or quit the use of the substance.

Spending a great deal of time obtaining, using, or quitting using the substance.
Negative effects on social, professional, and personal life due to substance use.

Taking higher or larger doses of the substance for longer periods of time.
Continuing substance use despite the resulting or increasing physical or mental problems.

We can offer you counselling and psychological support and help you get a referral to services that will help you if you are experiencing addiction or dependency, such as to


Psychoeducational Articles

Internet Addiction

What is Addiction? What Should I Do If I Suspect Addiction in Myself?

Technology Addiction During the Pandemic

What is Behavioral Addiction

What is Gambling Addiction

Tobacco / Smoking Addiction

Technology and Gaming Addiction