Natural Products Application and Research Center



1) Department of Medicinal and Food Plants: Plant identification, ethnobotanical research, research studies on honey plants, pollen analysis, plant morphology and anatomy, preparation of plant extracts to be used in different activity studies, essential oil extraction and essential oil analysis of aromatic plants studies are carried out in order to recognize and medicinally evaluate Turkey's natural riches. Researchers are informed about the importance of determining the plant species, especially in studies on the activities of medicinal plants. Altınbaş University Faculty of Pharmacy Herbarium (HERA) was established to shed light on our research, which we set out with the idea "The first step of any biological and pharmacological research begins with determining the right plant species." Plant identification is carried out in HERA. In addition, this research group studies medicinal and aromatic plants. It informs both students and the public on this subject by organizing relevant training, seminars and conferences.


2) Biological and Pharmacological Activity Department: Within the scope of DÜAGEM work area, biological, pharmacological and toxicological effect tests on raw materials and products produced/used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agricultural and food industries originating from natural products are carried out under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Studies are carried out with the support of the university, public and industry stakeholders it operates and/or collaborates with.


3) Pharmaceutical Products Department: Studies are planned to produce prototype products for new/original products/raw materials in different forms developed by DÜAGEM for different indications, to issue their patents, and to use these patents in the industry.


4) Department of Dentistry and Medical Applications: Within the scope of DÜAGEM work area, biological, pharmacological and toxicological effect tests of materials used from natural products related to oral and dental health are carried out under in vitro and in vivo conditions, and research is developed with the support of collaborating universities, public and industry stakeholders. Studies are planned to produce prototype products, obtain patents for the new/original products/raw materials that DÜAGEM plans to develop regarding oral and dental health, and use these patents in the industry. ​