Natural Products Application and Research Center

About Us

DÜAGEM (Natural Products Research and Development Centre) conducts multidisciplinary research in a number of fields specifically including natural products, chemistry (analytical chemistry, organic chemistry), biology (botany, microbiology, zoology, and molecular biology), medical sciences (pharmacology, toxicology, biochemistry, microbiology) and pharmaceutical sciences (pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical botany, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical microbiology and pharmaceutical technology). Due to its specific structural organization, and the large number of fields in which the Centre carries out research, DÜAGEM is able to offer services to all researchers who study these particular disciplines at central laboratories. Also, DÜAGEM constitutes an infrastructural and administrative ground for collaboration with the industry, government agencies and other universities in terms of natural products research and development. 
Besides performing R & D activities for the development and supply of products made from natural ingredients with high added-value, to be used in healthcare, pharmaceutical, agricultural, forest, food and cosmetic industries, DÜAGEM trains highly qualified staff who can work improve the standard of research in college and universities. The Centre follows a multidisciplinary and solution-oriented approach to address sector problems and demands.   
DÜAGEM contributes to the process of knowledge generation at its research laboratories by offering research infrastructure for Altınbaş University faculty, academics from other colleges and universities, government agencies and private sector. With the launch of DÜAGEM’s natural products database, which is currently under construction, we envisage to offer further services to    national and international scientists conducting research in the abovementioned fields. Besides its projected contributions to the academia, industry and state agencies; DÜAGEM’s stakeholders in terms of natural products development; the Centre also envisages taking actions to raise public awareness about the sustainable use of natural products and in situ conversation of plant genetic resources in Türkiye as well as in the world.