Assessments and Learning Outcomes


At this level, students are expected to have proficiency in reading, listening, speaking, writing skills at a level that will meet the basic language needs in daily life. Students who complete this level can communicate at a simple level can introduce themselves or others. They can communicate through basic questions such as where they live, who they know, what they have etc. and they are able to meet their basic language needs. They can also understand and use well-known everyday expressions and very basic idioms.

Assessments in Module A1


At this level, students can provide information about their own background and environment using a simple language, meet instant needs, communicate in a simple level by directly exchanging information on familiar topics and frequently used basic information about personal, family, shopping, work and close environment issues. They can understand idioms and sentences. In addition to these skills, students can explain and solve a simple problem, guide visitors, express their preferences, agreements or disagreements and complain.

Assessments in Module A2


Students at B1 Level can convey their experiences; they can talk about their dreams, hopes and wishes, briefly explain their opinions and plans with their reasons. In addition, they can express themselves in line with their personal interests or on familiar topics through simple but interconnected texts, can overcome issues to be encountered on travels and in places where the language is spoken based on common and familiar topics in daily life - at work or school.  They can understand the main points of written and spoken expressions.

Assessments in Module B1


Students at B2 Level can express themselves on different topics in a detailed and understandable way, and they can reflect their own point of view by revealing the positive and negative aspects of the topic. In addition, they can communicate with a native speaker without much difficulty, using a natural and fluent language to a certain extent, understand the main idea of ​​complex texts on abstract and concrete topics, and conduct technical discussions on subjects in their field of expertise. Students at this level can also initiate and maintain spontaneous conversations, defend their own ideas and views in discussions, make presentations on professional matters, resolve conflicts, and use appropriate expressions and idioms in sensitive social situations.

Assessments in Module B2

TestDaF Preparation Weeks (After Module B2 or In Module B2):

Students who successfully complete B2 Module practice the standard model tests for the four basic parts of the TestDaF Exam along with all related language topics in the TestDaF Preparation weeks. During this intensive preparation process, advanced studies are carried out mainly on: academic content and advanced level of writing, listening studies on scientific and social issues, text reading and analysis, written and oral interpretation of statistical graphics. Within these Preparation weeks, students also complete a special camp study for the TestDaF exam through real-time simulations.​

TestDaF Preparation Weeks