Fine Arts and Design

Prof. Dr. Nurcan Perdahçı

Message from the Dean

 ​​Dear Students,

Welcome to Istanbul Altınbaş University School of Fine Arts and Design.

As faculty, we aim to take our country to the future in the fields of art and design, and to contribute to global culture by using the creative energy of young people who follow their dreams while never forgetting the multi-layered and marvellously varied culture in which we live.

Driven by a modern, student-oriented and an interdisciplinary approach, AU School of Fine Arts and Design offers its students a learning experience that contributes to their artistic creativity and intellectual development, and provides an ideal learning environment required to generate high-quality, unique artists and designers that are thinking analytically and creatively, aiming for constant development, while working to ensure that artistic and aesthetic appreciation spreads to all the layers of the society. Our programmes of study that are designed to improve individual student performance as well as teamwork effectiveness are enhanced by various co-curricular activities including conferences, panels, seminars, exhibitions, and workshops. Starting from the first year, the theoretical courses are incorporated in the curriculum in the form of required and elective courses.

The four-year programmes of study at AU School of Fine Arts and Design are principally devised to facilitate and improve student creativity in the multifaceted fields of art and design, especially by providing students with the opportunity to pursue a Double Major or study a Minor subject alongside their main degree programme. In addition to the skills and competencies they will have acquired throughout their studies, students who successfully complete their degree programmes will have had the ability to produce interdisciplinary work as an artist or a designer. Alongside the undergraduate degree programmes, Altınbaş University School of Fine Arts and Design successfully runs a master's degree programme in Art and Design.

As Istanbul Altınbaş University School of Fine Arts and Design, one of our many priorities is to continue to provide our students with a world class education so as to make sure they grow into successful individuals thriving in national and international art and design world of the future, putting original ideas into action, and always showing the utmost respect to nature and people.

Prof. Dr. Nurcan Perdahçı

Acting Dean, School of Fine Arts and Design