Program Learning Outcomes
- Understand and apply theories, concepts and phenomena in the field of international relations, including theories of international relations, comparative politics, international organizations, foreign policy, European studies, international security and peace studies.
- Examines contemporary local, regional and global affairs using theories of international relations.
- Draw conclusions about contemporary and historical issues in international relations through qualitative and quantitative analysis.
- Analyze states, political processes, political systems and relationships between international actors.
- Participates competently and responsibly in public and private institutions and civil society organizations, holding administrative positions and managing their activities effectively.
- Describe the main global actors, conditions and dynamics of the globalized world and the international environment.
- Apply the methods and tools necessary for effective data collection and analysis.
- Adapt to the complex and ever-changing conditions of a global world.
- Relates the national and international legal framework governing national and international activities in the field to his/her work in the field.
- Interprets his/her world, country, society and self; demonstrates awareness of ethical issues, social rights, values and responsibilities towards others and self.
- Uses not only his/her own discipline but also related fields; develops an interdisciplinary approach and practice.
- Evaluates developments and trends in science and technology; demonstrates personal and institutional entrepreneurship; improves through lifelong learning.
- Communicates effectively using oral, written, graphical and technological means; expresses views fluently in English.
- Takes responsibility in individual and collective settings; solves problems both individually and as a member or leader of a team.