Student Resources

Double Major

Double Major / Minor programs are free of charge.

Double Major Program (DMP): It is a program that allows students who have successfully completed their undergraduate programs to take courses in a second undergraduate or associate degree program of their interest, and students who have successfully completed their associate degree programs to take courses in a second associate degree program of their interest simultaneously and receive a bachelor's degree.

Double Major: It is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulation on the Principles of Transition, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions" and Altınbaş University Double Major Program Directive and Minor Program Directive.

Application Requirements (Double Major)

1. Students can apply to the second major diploma program at the beginning of the third semester at the earliest in the major undergraduate diploma program and at the beginning of the fifth semester at the latest in four-year programs; at the beginning of the seventh semester in five-year programs; at the beginning of the ninth semester in six-year programs; at the beginning of the second semester at the earliest and at the beginning of the third semester at the latest in the major associate degree program.

2. The quota for double major students is determined by the university senates, provided that the overall grade point average in the major diploma program is at least 3.00 out of 4.00, and the success ranking in the relevant class of the major diploma program is not less than 20%. In addition, higher education institutions may determine quotas in accordance with the following conditions and students may apply within the scope of these conditions.

3. Except for law, medicine and health programs and engineering programs, the quotas of the programs to be double majored are also determined by the university senates, but not less than 20% of the quota of the programs. Students who have a GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 in their major diploma program, but who are not in the top 20% of the relevant class of the major diploma program in terms of success ranking, and who have a score not less than the base score of the double major program in the relevant year can also apply to the double major program.

4. In order to apply to the double major diploma program, the student must successfully complete all the courses taken in the major diploma program until the semester of application.

Side Branch

Minor programs are free of charge.

Minor Program: It is a program that allows students who successfully complete their undergraduate programs to take courses simultaneously in a second undergraduate program of their interest and receive a certificate.

Minor Programs: "Regulation on the Principles of Transition, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions" and Altınbaş University Double Major Program Directive and Minor Program Directive.

Application Requirements (Minor)

  1. Students can apply to the minor program at the beginning of the third semester of the major undergraduate program at the earliest and the sixth semester at the latest.
  2. Students who have successfully completed all credit courses in the undergraduate program until the semester they apply to the minor program can apply.
  3. At the time of application, the student's GPA in the major program must be at least 2.50 out of 4.00.
  4. The admission process is completed with the recommendation of the department applied and the decision of the relevant faculty board of directors.