The Health Services Unit operates on weekdays between 08:30 and 17:30 at all campuses. Each unit is staffed with a full-time doctor and nurses, and facilities include beds, examination beds, and oxygen equipment.
Both employees and students receive initial and emergency medical assistance for health problems at the units.
The units also provide free information on sexual health and reproductive rights.
1. Mahmutbey Campus
Occupational Health Physician: Tolga MÜDERRİSOĞLU
Nurse: Büşra Nazlı DEDE
The infirmary is located on the ground floor of Block A.
Tel: (0 212) 604 01 00-2206-2308
2. Bakırköy Campus
Nurse: Beyza POLAT
The infirmary is located on the ground floor of the campus.
Tel: (0212) 709 45 28-5064
3. Gayrettepe Campus
The infirmary is located on the lower floor of the campus.
Tel: (0212) 373 59 00