Application and Research Centers

First Aid Center

About Us

In everyday life, we encounter many accidents/incidents that endanger human life. "Correct and effective intervention" is very important at the time of the accident/incident. In accidents or injuries where the vital functions of the victim have stopped or are about to stop, it is vital to initiate first aid quickly and effectively.

First Aid : In any accident or life-threatening situation, until the help of paramedics is provided, in order to save life or prevent the situation from getting worse, it is the non-medical applications made with the existing tools and equipment without seeking medical equipment at the scene.

First Aider: Persons who have received training in accordance with the standards determined by the Ministry and who have a first aid certificate that can perform applications within the framework of the training given.

(First aiders must be at least primary school graduates).

According to Article 19 of the First Aid Regulation dated 29.07.2015 and numbered 29429 published by the Ministry of Health, within the scope of occupational health and safety

a) In less hazardous workplaces, 1 first assistant for every 20 employees,

b) In hazardous workplaces, 1 first assistant for every 15 employees,

c) In very dangerous workplaces, 1 first assistant for every 10 employees,

First aid should be provided by trained individuals. These trainings are given in centers authorized by the Ministry of Health.

Altınbaş University First Aid Training Center

Altınbaş University Vocational School of Health Services is authorized by the Ministry of Health to train "first aiders".

It continues its activities with the mission of raising individuals equipped with first aid with its expert and experienced instructors who train health professionals.

Trainings are given in our training hall approved by the Ministry of Health in Bakırköy Campus of our University. Participants who are successful in the exams are given a "first aid certificate" approved by the Ministry.

The duration of the training is 16 hours and the participants are required to attend the entire training period.

Training Content

General First Aid Information:

" Evaluation of the patient/injured and the scene of the incident
" Basic life support
" First aid for bleeding
" First aid for injuries
" First aid for burns, frostbite and heat stroke
" First aid in fractures, dislocations and sprains
" First aid in disorders of consciousness
" First aid in poisoning
" First aid for animal bites
" First aid for foreign bodies in the eyes, ears and nose
" First aid in drowning
" Patient / injured transportation techniques

Click here to see the First Aid Regulation.

Responsible Manager / Trainer: Zehra Yıldız Çevirgen


Instagram: @auiyem