Delicious Diet Kitchen

Within the scope of Altınbaş University's 100 Books as a Gift for the 100th Anniversary of our Republic Project, the book Leziz Diet Cuisine was published.

The book "Delicious Diet Kitchen," prepared under the guidance of a surgeon, a chef, and a dietitian for those who want to combine healthy eating with flavor, was launched and introduced to readers. 

The book contains approximately 80 recipes that are high in nutritional value, satisfying, and delicious. Another feature of the book is that it includes the recipes of the dishes that Atatürk loved.

​The presentation of the book, which carries the signatures of General Surgeon Prof. Dr. Turgut İpek, Dietitian Seda Yağız, and Chef Rıza Belenkaya, was held in a meeting attended by Hüseyin Altınbaş, a member of the Mehmet Altınbaş Education and Culture Foundation, and Altınbaş University Rector Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan. During the presentation, guests were offered a special menu consisting of dishes that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk loved.

Speaking at the presentation, Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan stated that they dedicated the "Delicious Diet Kitchen" book to the 100th anniversary of the Republic and said, "Our activities for the 100th year of our 
Republic have been grouped under two main headings. The first is conferences, student activities, and trips. The second is publishing activities. With these publishing activities, we have published 100 books as a gift to the Republic."

One of the authors of the book, General Surgeon Prof. Dr. Turgut İpek from Altınbaş University Faculty of Medicine, emphasized that they made the diet delicious in the book, saying, "As a society, we don't really like diets. Therefore, we believe that taste and a certain level of calories should also be present in diet meals. As a university, we embarked on a journey with the slogan '100 books, 100 events for the 100th year' for the 100th-year book series. In this context, we published a book on how delicious a diet can be. We dedicated our book, which is entirely owned by our university and includes the complete description of each meal, how it is made, tasted, its ingredients, the benefits of its ingredients, and its photograph after being prepared, to the 100th-anniversary event."

Prof. Dr. Turgut İpek pointed out that the obesity rates by country given at the Asian Congress were quite striking and said, "This rate is around 30% in the USA. In Turkey, it is in the range of 20-30%. It is slowly emerging, especially in young people. Prevention should be taken. Obesity is considered a disease in our country, but its fight should be further improved."

Prof. Dr. Turgut İpek also indicated that artificial intelligence might be used in the future to prevent obesity and stated, "To cure or bring out all diseases, it is directly related to the microorganisms in our intestines. If we develop artificial intelligence and support it with laboratory techniques, we can clearly identify which of the microbes in our bodies are good or which cause diseases. Thus, just like in all diseases, it will be possible to eliminate eating habits in obesity."

One of the authors of the book, Chef Rıza Belenkaya, said that they directed the recipes in the book toward the essence of Turkish cuisine when preparing the recipes, and he provided the following information about the book:

"When people hear the word 'diet,' they think of salads and greens. However, we wanted to show that healthy eating can be achieved by returning to our traditional baking and steaming techniques and by using the right spices. The human metabolism needs spices. We combined the techniques and spices we used to create delicious recipes and the right menus. In our book, we aimed to guide people toward the essence of Turkish cuisine. Our goal is to cook the product in its essence without losing its nutritional value."

​Seda Yağız, one of the authors of the book, pointed out that it is possible to make the diet delicious with various recipes, and they want to enable individuals to eat healthy and delicious food without breaking their diet, depending on their health conditions. She said, "We sincerely hope that this book, which we believe will guide people from all age groups who are interested in nutrition science and cooking and encourage them to eat healthily in a fun and non-tedious way, will be a guide for them."