Medical Documentation and Secretarial

Vision And Mission


As Altınbaş University Vocational School of Health Services, our vision is to keep constantly up to date with the latest healthcare trends in order to improve the quality of education we offer, and to become a leading institution in the training of nationally and internationally respectable, productive healthcare technicians equipped with strong communication and teamwork skills and highly employable by organisations operating in healthcare industry.


Our mission, as Medical Documentation and Secretarial Services Associate’s Degree Programme, is to produce graduates with strong communication, analytical thinking and clinical coding  skills, high understanding of medical terminology, as well as high ethical values and respect for patient privacy that keep themselves up to date with the latest developments in healthcare industry, embrace a high-quality and consistent service approach, capable of dealing properly with a crisis, efficiently using application intended for International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), effectively communicating with patients with disabilities and patients’ families, and properly carrying out the documentary and secretarial procedures of their departments.