Message from the Program Chair

In our continuously changing and globalizing world, our only constant need is to learn English as a Lingua Franca, the most widely spoken language worldwide, in order to communicate with people from different cultures and nations. In this particular era where the technology is rapidly evolving and the sharing of information is consequently needed more than ever, mastering English skills and fluency has become an essential need. In this context, aiming to raise each every of its students as a world citizen, Altınbaş University Department of Basic English thrives to achieve its ultimate goal of ensuring its students have highly developed reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in English language. Our department offers its students an educational model and a modern curriculum designed t​o help them become critical thinking, problem solving, innovative and creative individuals capable of taking initiative and responsibility, and using these 21st century skills in the most efficient way. In line with this objective, we are fully aware of the importance of   communication and interaction-driven second language learning as well as effective and goal-oriented use of language teaching materials. This being said, we know that language learning is not only about grammar and vocabulary knowledge, but it’s in fact a process where students synthesise the cultural background knowledge of that language. On the path to achieve our goals, taking part in the shaping of young minds to design our future is our biggest source of joy and motivation.

​Chair of Basic English Department​