Message from the Head of Department

Interior architecture and environmental design is a multifaceted field that covers the design and production of the built environment. The phenomenon of rapid urbanization increases the need for creative designers and practitioners who can collaborate with experts from different disciplines in project design and implementation stages. Altınbaş University Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design aims to respond to this need by training researchers and professionals who will produce applicable, creative and innovative solutions.
Altınbaş University Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design implements a dynamic and contemporary education program. A comprehensive understanding of design processes forms the basis of the educational program. For this purpose, theoretical courses are supported by technical and practical courses, studio practices and end-of-semester internships. Elective courses allow students to identify their own areas of interest and develop themselves in the direction of their interests. This structure enables students to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that will support their individual development, provide them with a broad world perspective, and equip them with social and professional ethical awareness.
Our department stands out with its young, dynamic, expert faculty who are able to integrate the theoretical study and practice of interior architecture and environmental design.
Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Erinç ONBAY
Head of Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design