Faculty of Communication

Zeki Demirkubuz Cinema Talks

Zeki Demirkubuz Cinema Talks

Dr. Janet Barış, faculty member of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, participated in the Zeki Demirkubuz cinema talk at Beyoğlu Cinema in May.
Cannes Film Festival

Cannes Film Festival

Faculty of Communication, Department of Radio, Television and Cinema faculty member Dr. Janet Barış attended the Cannes Film Festival.
İstanbul Documentary in Collaboration with Altınbaş, Princeton and Harvard Universities

İstanbul Documentary in Collaboration with Altınbaş, Princeton and Harvard Universities

İstanbul's founding myths will come to life in a documentary. Altınbaş University Department of Radio, Television and Cinema faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Avcı is working on the documentary with colleagues from Princeton and Harvard Universities
4 New Accreditations for Altınbaş University

4 New Accreditations for Altınbaş University

Altınbaş University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Radio, Television and Cinema, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Psychology and Sociology programs and School of Foreign Languages Basic English Department received ILAD, FEDEK and
Caminhos do Cinema Português Film Festival

Caminhos do Cinema Português Film Festival

Caminhos do Cinema Português Film Festival