Message from the Head of Department

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Özge SEÇMELER
Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Bölüm Başkanı
Message from the Head of Deparment
The Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Undergraduate Programme of Altınbaş University aims to produce visionary executives with worldwide recognition for their endeavours in food and beverage, and tourism sectors.
In today's modern world of science and technology, the art and science of good eating is growing more professional every day. The learning awareness among food and beverage professionals is constantly increasing while there is a greater focus on culinary culture studies. As educators and sector professionals, we are responsible for preserving, developing and promoting the eclectic culinary heritage of Turkey.
A multidisciplinary art and knowledge of preparing and eating good food, the gastronomy is also an inclusive scientific discipline which includes a broad range of applied and social science related fields, such as food safety, business management, social media, and even biology (perception of food through five senses).
There have been much research on gastronomy over the centuries; however, in recent years, the food industry has been changing within the context of "glocalisation", which means globalisation brings about changes in local cultures while global systems become more localised. This very phenomenon offers us a great opportunity to promote Turkish cuisine to the world and make it global brand. As faculty, we are striving to produce highly-qualified professional that will turn this opportunity into an advantage. Being published in national and international journals will considerably help promote Turkish gastronomy while improving intercultural dialogue. Our curriculum uses a blend of practical and theoretical learning elements, enabling students to become fully equipped with a strong knowledge of gastronomy and related fields as well as to have access to a variety of job opportunities in food industry. Always ensuring that our programme has international academic recognition, we provide our students with a wide range of courses focused on food safety and hygiene, healthy eating, an overall hands-on training designed to give students the experience of prepare and savour food with five senses.
As faculty, we are learning from each and every of our students in our gastronomy programme, which makes us all feel quite privileged to be a part of Altınbaş University. We work and stand hand in hand with our students as we grow and thrive together.