

Holiday Homework for Parents

Altınbaş University Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Faculty Member Dr. Ayşegül Güner Algan made suggestions and warnings to parents for the summer vacation that children are looking forward to after a long period of education.


Global Independent Film Forum Panel

Altınbaş University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Radio, Television and Cinema Dr. Faculty member Janet Barış talked about Turkish Cinema at the Global Independent Film Forum panel held in Hong Kong.


How Will The New Rent Increase Rates Be Determined?

Altınbaş University Faculty of Law Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Umut Yeniocak commented on how rents will be affected after the abolition of the 25 percent increase limit on residential rents.


Altınbaş University Hosted FICS 2024 Project Selection

The Finding Innovative and Creative Solutions (FICS) 2024 competition, which is organized every year with the participation of universities from many countries such as the USA, the United Kingdom and Azerbaijan took place at Altınbaş University this year.


Attention to Nutrition During Bayram

Özlem Karagöl, lecturer at Altınbaş University Vocational School of Health Services, gave warnings before the Feast of Sacrifice, which will be fed mainly meat.


How to Create a Brand?

Altınbaş University Faculty of Applied Sciences organized an International Entrepreneurship and Branding and Foreign Trade Bridge talk. Business person, designer and decorator Nihat Pabuçcuoğlu attended the event as a speaker.

Us in Numbers

# 30

In the World

# 1

In Türkiye

# 105


# 120


# 13070


# 13288


From Alumni

Hussein HIRSI 

What's Altınbaş life for international students?

Aylin GÜL 

How was your life as a Altınbaş Student?


What advice do you have for incoming students?