How Safe is Your Personal Information?

Cyber security trends were discussed hosted by Altınbaş University. In the event, the things to be done for cyber security, which is perhaps one of the most important issues today, were scrutinized.

Cybersecurity, information security and protection methods were discussed at today's Cyber Security Trends and Awareness event organized by Altınbaş University Information Technologies and Security Department. 

Sentinel Information Technologies Corporate Sales Manager Arzu Ağırgöl, Founder and Technology Consultant Fatih Özyalçın and Senior Systems Engineer Murat Asil took part in the event as guests. 
Fatih Özyalçın, who started his presentation with the question “what is information?”, said, “There is information everywhere in printed paper, electronic files, desks, cabinets. Protecting information integrity is very important for security. For this, it is necessary to protect data integrity, prevent unauthorized access, protect privacy and confidentiality, and ensure system continuity.” 

Explaining the importance of information security with a current example, Özyalçın said, “HBO's servers were hacked and the episodes of Game of Thrones were taken, and the series fell on the internet. Think about the damage caused.” Referring to the most common cyber attack methods, Özyalçın listed the things to be considered about data protection and privacy as follows:

“If we pay attention to data encryption, using strong passwords, data backup and recovery plans, emergency plans, firewalls, software, security audits and monitoring, we can be prepared against cyber attacks.”

Reminding the necessity of two-way authentication, Özyalçın said that this method is the most effective way to prevent an organization or person from becoming a victim of a cyber attack. 

Murat Asil, who gave important warnings about password security, underlined that it is important to create passwords from upper and lower case letters, special characters and numbers in terms of security.

He also showed the audience how long and difficult it is to crack a strong password with a live demo.

The event ended with a fun quiz and surprise gifts were given to the winners.