Our Dosteli Campaign Continues

We continue to contribute to their educational lives with the "Dosteli" campaign, which was launched to support our earthquake-stricken students after the February 6 earthquakes last year.

Altınbaş University Dean of Students' Office launched the "Dosteli" campaign to support our students affected by the earthquake after the February 6 earthquake, which was called the "Disaster of the Century". 
With the help of our academic and administrative staff, we contributed to the university education of many of our students. 
Today, the number of students who still need support is more than 15. With your support, we can help our students meet their needs and contribute to their education. 
We invite you, dear Altınbaşlı students, to support the scholarship fund. 
To make a one-time donation: 

Bank Name


Branch Name

Esentepe Ticari Merkez Şube – 4060

Account Name


Account No TL



TR76 0013 4000 0096 8131 9000 01


You can scan the QR code to make regular donations: