Psychology Application and Research Center (APAM)

About APAM

Altınbaş Psychology Application and Research Center (APAM) was established in March 2012. The aim of the center is; To conduct research, development, examination and practice in various fields of psychological science, to organize short and long-term education and training programs, and thus to contribute to Altınbaş University's mission of serving the society and advancing scientific knowledge, and to the development of cooperation with public and international organizations. As APAM, both autonomous research projects of department faculty members and A.Ü. It continues its activities with scientific research projects and seminars, conferences, congresses and similar scientific meetings in which Psychology Undergraduate and Master's Program students take part. 

The activity areas of the center can be listed as follows: 

  • To conduct research, development, analysis, application studies and projects in the field of psychology and to produce scientific publications. 
  • To engage in continuing education and lifelong learning activities in the field of psychology. 
  • To provide psychological services for individuals with psychological problems in the society. 
  • To organize and contribute to the organization of courses, seminars, conferences, congresses, in-service training programs and similar scientific meetings related to the study areas of psychological science. 
  • To cooperate with national and international organizations in the field of psychology. 
  • To provide practical training to master's and doctoral students under supervision. 

Within the scope of APAM, interdisciplinary studies in the fields of Social Psychology and Developmental Psychology are conducted in our research laboratory. Through the execution of scientific studies and the training of researchers within the research laboratory, the aim is to strengthen scientific competence, train future academics, support students and researchers in building their desired careers, and leave tangible legacies for the next generation of students and researchers. To materialize these aims, the Center provides necessary support to ensure the publication of undergraduate and graduate theses, offers guidance on physical, material, and academic support through projects, and provides an environment where students and researchers can present, discuss, apply, and develop their research.

Apart from research activities, APAM also focuses on application activities. With units such as the Clinical Application Unit and the Children's University, it opens up the potential of the university to all segments of society other than its own students and provides psychological services outside the university. Children's University and Youth Research Unit within APAM was established with the support of Istanbul Development Agency. In this context, workshops with different contents and themes were held between 2012 and 2020, with the participation of a total of 44 schools/institutions and 4066 children. The Clinical Psychology Practice Unit offers an environment where, as of 2022, Altınbaş University Clinical Psychology Master's program students can carry out the necessary observations, interviews, psychological tests and psychotherapy practices, accompanied by supervisors, in order to grow up as clinicians with high-level professional skills and giving importance to ethical values.

The interview rooms hosting the Altınbaş University Psychology Application and Research Center (APAM) and the Social and Developmental Psychology Research Laboratory and Clinical Psychology Practice Unit within the Faculty of Economics, Administrative, and Social Sciences (FEASS) Psychology Department started to be used in December 2022 at the Gayrettepe Social Sciences Campus on the 7th Floor, Rooms F703-704. The Center has one "Social-Development Interview Room" and three "Clinical Interview Rooms."