How to Create a Brand?

Altınbaş University Faculty of Applied Sciences organized an International Entrepreneurship and Branding and Foreign Trade Bridge talk. Business person, designer and decorator Nihat Pabuçcuoğlu attended the event as a speaker.

“International Entrepreneurship and Branding and International Trade Bridge” talk was organized by Altınbaş University Faculty of Applied Sciences. Moderated by Dr. Faculty Member Emir Kaan Cengiz, Nihat Pabuçcuoğlu, business person, designer and decorator, attended the event as a speaker. 

Pabuçcuoğlu, who started his business life at a young age and grew the small business owned by his family into a structure operating in various sectors, shared his knowledge and experiences about the dynamics of international trade, entrepreneurship and branding processes, and inspired students and other participants. 

Pabuçcuoğlu answered the question “How to become an entrepreneur?” with “First, you will find yourself and set a goal.” Pabuçcuoğlu said, “After finding yourself, choose your path and always look for a plus one to become an entrepreneur. So add new things to yourself. Learn to dialog with people. The more you surpass yourself, the more you grow. Learn the language of talking to people before learning a foreign language. When you talk to people, the mark and impression you leave there will be your grade."

The famous businessman also shared his experiences and success stories in the international business world, gave strategic tips to the participants on how to be successful in global markets, explained the importance of branding and shared his views on developing effective strategies in international trade.

The interview, which took place interactively with the questions of the participants, aimed to raise awareness on entrepreneurship and foreign trade. It was stated that such events will continue in order to inspire young people.