They Wore Their White Coats and Took Their First Steps into the Profession

Altınbaş University Pharmacy Faculty students put on their aprons on Pharmacists' Day. At the ceremony, Rector Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan said, “As an international university, we are proud that our graduates can use their diplomas in many parts of the world.”

Altınbaş University Faculty of Pharmacy students took their first steps into the profession by wearing their white coats on May 14th, Pharmacists' Day. 

The ceremony started with the opening speech of Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tanol, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and was attended by academicians, students and many families who came to share the excitement of their children.

Dean Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tanol started his speech by saying “Today, we will see our students stepping into their professions with great enthusiasm.” He advised the students, who are ready to do their professions regardless of language, religion, race and social class, not to deviate from truthfulness and human love.

Addressing the families, Tanol wished the students success by saying, “As Altınbaş University academicians, believe that we will raise your children, whom you have entrusted to us as white as these aprons, within the framework of scientific principles that are beneficial to the homeland and nation. 

Altınbaş University Rector Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan stated that the students' professional days have now begun and reminded them that they have many options in front of them. Prof. Dr. Erhan said, “There will be those among you who will open a pharmacy as well as those who will work in the scientific field in Turkey and in the world and enter the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector. You can continue your studies in the academic field, but the support of your families will always be with you.”

Stating that pharmacists have an important duty to make people live healthier, Erhan said, “You touch people. You heal their children or their mothers and fathers. We thank you and our academicians for bringing our students to a sacred profession.”

Erhan expressed his great pride in the fact that graduates all over Turkey hang their diplomas with the Altınbaş University logo in their pharmacies and said, “As we are an international university, our graduates proudly carry their diplomas in many parts of the world.”

Emphasizing the importance of being a sensitive and socially responsible individual as much as academic success, Erhan said, “Our faculty provides the necessary equipment for our students to become successful people from entrepreneurship to social responsibility with its 9-star education. They graduate by speaking a foreign language very well.”

Erhan said that the efforts of the students, who come to the university by making a degree in the university exam and exceeding the thresholds, should also be appreciated and added, “They take first place in events and competitions. As their parents, you, too, have made many sacrifices for your children to be successful in life and to be useful individuals for Turkey and the world. Today, our precious, brilliant young people will put on their aprons. Time passes in the blink of an eye. 4 years later, we will be together at their graduation and we will see them throwing their caps in the air.” 

The ceremony ended after the students put on their white coats, leaving behind emotional memories.