Support from TÜBİTAK for our stakeholder “Bağcılar Science Festival” Project

The “Bağcılar Science Festival” project, which was carried out by Bağcılar District Directorate of National Education, of which Altınbaş University is a stakeholder, was entitled to TÜBİTAK 4007 Science Festivals Support Program support.

The “Bağcılar Science Festival” project led by Bağcılar District Directorate of National Education, of which Altınbaş University is a stakeholder, has been awarded the support of the TÜBİTAK 4007 Science Festivals Support Program.

Altınbaş University will take a privileged responsibility in making science and technology more accessible and encouraging young people.

TÜBİTAK 4007 Science Festivals Support Program aims to disseminate science culture and communication to wider segments of the society, to deliver scientific knowledge to the participants and to comprehend the interaction between science and technology through activities.