Blue Light Warning from Expert

Altınbaş University Faculty of Medicine Faculty Member Dr. Emir Ruşen pointed out that exposure to blue light due to electronic devices causes insomnia, fatigue and distraction, and gave important warnings.

In recent years, the increase in the use of electronic devices has brought attention to the negative effects of the blue light they emit on health. However, healthy blue light obtained from the sun plays a significant role in regulating the sleep cycle and circadian rhythm. Conversely, prolonged exposure to harmful blue light, especially from devices such as tablets, smartphones, and computers that emit electromagnetic waves with short wavelengths, can lead to serious detrimental effects.

Dr. Emir Ruşen, a faculty member in the Department of Neurology at Altınbaş University School of Medicine, addressed the side effects of exposure to harmful blue light and issued important warnings.

Dr. Emir Ruşen pointed out that using cell phones, tablets, or computers late at night can disrupt the circadian rhythm due to exposure to harmful blue light. He said, "This primarily disrupts the sleep-wake balance. Therefore, we cannot enter the healthy phases of sleep. When we cannot fall into deep sleep at night, we wake up tired in the morning. Throughout the day, we feel irritable, tired, tense, and experience difficulty concentrating."

Dr. Emir Ruşen noted that as a physician, they have observed significant increases in headaches in recent years, which are entirely attributable to prolonged exposure to toxic and harmful blue light.

Dr. Ruşen emphasized that blue light also causes serious functional disturbances in mitochondria, the cell's energy source, which leads to serious problems in all organs of the body, especially the brain and heart. He said that neurologically, when mitochondria function slowly or cannot produce energy properly, symptoms such as lack of concentration, restlessness, tension, and irritability are encountered.

Highlighting that prolonged exposure to toxic blue light is one of the main causes of many neurological diseases such as headaches, Ruşen continued:

"In individuals who cannot sleep fully and healthily at night, we observe teeth clenching, tension, and chronic complaints of headaches throughout the day. It significantly reduces quality of life and work performance."

According to Dr. Emir Ruşen from Altınbaş University, it is necessary to reduce the use of materials emitting toxic blue light. Dr. Emir Ruşen recommended the use of filters attached to electronic devices, especially for workers, if the usage time cannot be shortened.

Dr. Emir Ruşen called on parents to be cautious regarding the effects on children, stating, "Children who have close contact with blue light may experience eye and vision problems. Serious attention deficits, agitation, restlessness, shouting, and difficulty concentrating may be observed. It even affects children's hormones."

Dr. Emir Ruşen also made recommendations regarding harmful blue light, saying, "If you wear glasses, opt for protective layered glasses against blue light. They have become quite common lately and make a difference. Since we now live in a modern and electronic age, all electronic devices used in every household emit this blue light. Make sure to keep a distance from direct eye contact."

Dr. Emir Ruşen also noted that healthy blue light is obtained from the sun, stating, "Be sure to expose your face to the sun for half an hour or 15 minutes every day after lunch."