Internal Legislation Proposal for Space

Turkey has accelerated its efforts to get the share it deserves in space.

Altınbaş University Faculty of Law lecturer and Aerospace Law Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlyas Gölcüklü emphasized the importance of establishing a comprehensive space law in Turkey following the establishment of the Turkish Space Agency (TUA) and the sending of Alper Gezeravcı to the International Space Station (ISS) for research.

In this context, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlyas Gölcüklü suggested the enactment of a comprehensive space law such as the National and Commercial Space Programs Law or Commercial Space Launch Law and emphasized that the private sector must be encouraged to participate in the space race. He highlighted that Azerbaijan's recent enactment of its national space law serves as a good example in this regard.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlyas Gölcüklü, based on current developments confirming the truth of the phrase "the future is in the skies," emphasized the importance of a strong legal infrastructure for such scientific endeavors. He pointed out that the United States established the legal framework for such activities many years ago, allowing private companies like SpaceX to influence space activities not only in their own country but also in foreign countries, including Turkey.

To keep up with this journey, not only for scientific studies but also within the scope of space tourism, Gölcüklü explained that ISS visits have become possible. He highlighted important details in this development that evoke national pride and explained why legal infrastructure is crucial:

"There are United Nations treaties and regulations that have been made without thinking that commercial companies could be involved in space activities. These are no longer sufficient. Therefore, Turkey needs to go beyond these steps and, especially as done in the United States, enact a comprehensive Space Law, such as the National and Commercial Space Programs Law or the Commercial Space Launch Law, and encourage the private sector to participate in the space race within the scope of this regulation. It is important to involve these companies in the space race in a way that will contribute to Turkey's space goals with their know-how and scientific accumulations to produce technology and space vehicles. Currently, companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin derive their strength from this legal infrastructure and support, and they also play a significant role in shaping legal regulations with their private sector activities."

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlyas Gölcüklü from Altınbaş University stated, "The establishment of TUA and the sending of Turkish citizen Mr. Alper Gezeravcı to the International Space Station for specific studies are crucial steps for the Republic of Turkey. However, the Republic of Turkey needs to determine its roadmap in the field of space law as soon as possible. Only with such a roadmap, Turkey can achieve a strong state status as a pioneer that provides services to both Turkish citizens and foreign states in the space race."