Suspicious Women's Deaths

Altınbaş University Women's Rights Club organized a panel on "Femicides and Suspicious Women's Deaths," addressing one of today's most significant issues, "femicides."

Altınbaş University Women's Rights Club organized a panel on "Femicides and Suspicious Women's Deaths," addressing the issue of suspicious women's deaths.

During the opening speech of the panel, given by Prof. Dr. Şükran Şıpka, a faculty member at the Altınbaş University Faculty of Law, it was emphasized that effective investigations in the field of Criminal Law are essential to clarify suspicious deaths.

Prof. Dr. Şükran Şıpka attributed the increase in mortality rates to the ineffectiveness of sanctions in criminal law and the culture of impunity. According to Prof. Dr. Şıpka, a significant proportion of court-imposed sentences are not executed due to various reductions and deferred sentences being applied together with execution provisions.

Şıpka stated, "The Covid pandemic leaves in criminal enforcement are, in fact, considered a sort of 'covered amnesty,' despite being labeled as 'leave.' Perpetrators resorting to systematic violence, especially in cases of violence against women, continue their violent acts even after their release from the correctional institution. Every violation of rights, every injustice can ultimately result in the danger of eliminating the safety, physical and mental integrity, and the right to life of women and children. Working to eliminate these injustices and unlawful acts is an inevitable duty for each of us, especially for us legal professionals.​