Diplomacy As A Profession

Altinbas University's International Relations Department organized a panel titled "Diplomacy As A Profession: From Past To Future." The panel comprehensively addressed diplomacy as a profession, covering various aspects.

​The Altinbas University Faculty of Economics, Administrative, and Social Sciences hosted Ambassadors Inci Ersoy and Fatih Yildiz, with the hospitality of the university's Rector, Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan.

In an event organized by the International Relations Department, titled "Diplomacy As A Profession: From Past To Future," the opening speech was given by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Administrative, and Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Tolga Demiryol.
Prof. Dr. Tolga Demiryol expressed, "Over the past year, we have organized various scientific, social, and cultural activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic. Today, we have the pleasure of hosting two distinguished ambassadors. We are delighted to hear from them about the intricacies of the diplomatic profession, which is a crucial element of Turkish diplomacy."
The ambassadors shared their experiences with aspiring diplomats and provided insights into the expectations from a good diplomat. Inci Ersoy recommended closely and regularly following social media and international media channels. Ambassador Inci Ersoy emphasized that diplomats' roles include conveying and explaining their government's views, and she also advised aspiring diplomats to track leaders. 
Ambassador Fatih Yildiz mentioned that effective problem-solving and being excellent communicators are crucial for diplomats. He highlighted the importance of understanding both the history of one's own country and the country where one is assigned to work. 
Altinbas University Rector Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan, an International Relations Specialist, addressed the students, advising them to be prepared for working in high-pressure and stressful environments if they choose a diplomatic career. Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan listed the following attributes for a good diplomat candidate:
- Developing decision-making skills with attention to detail.
- Being knowledgeable about foreign organizations and companies.
- Enhancing competencies through obtaining diplomas from different countries and attending courses.
- Understanding the general atmosphere of different countries and improving commercial and financial awareness.
- Being intellectual, flexible, and capable of managing stressful situations.
- Acquiring language skills, especially proficiency in English, with knowledge of other foreign languages such as French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Chinese being advantageous.
Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan also emphasized the importance of having colleagues in the countries where diplomats serve, cautioning that they are not only friends but also fellow diplomats responsible for reporting what they learn. He stressed the significance of having a high capacity for keeping information confidential.​