What is the Inspire Future Scholarship?

Scholarship opportunities are one of the most important criteria for students when choosing a university. Altınbaş University Inspire Future Scholarship program offers candidates up to 100% scholarship opportunity based on their competencies, career plans

Inspire Future Scholarship is one of the most sought-after scholarship opportunities at Altınbaş University, attracting attention from students during university preferences. This program, initiated in 2021, provides candidates with the possibility of earning scholarships up to 100% based on their competencies, career plans, and personality traits.

Altınbaş University's Student Dean, Dr. Duygu Kotan Türkden, explained that they offer scholarship opportunities to prospective students planning to include Altınbaş University in their preferences. The evaluation process takes into account the candidates' competencies, personality traits, and career aspirations, offering scholarship percentages determined through assessments of various factors.

Dr. Duygu Türkden emphasized the importance of looking for inspiring candidates for the future, noting that academic success alone is no longer sufficient in today's world. She stated, "We listen to applicants' competencies, competitions they have participated in, projects, achievements, personality traits, career plans, and dreams for the future. Based on these evaluations, successful candidates receive scholarships ranging up to 100%, in addition to ÖSYM scholarships."

Dr. Duygu Kotan Türkden provided information about the evaluation criteria of the AU Inspire Future scholarship program, which will be valid throughout the students' educational journey:

"All candidates planning to take the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) can apply. We ask candidates to share their goals, career plans, and any projects in addition to the application forms. The process consists of checking and verifying documents, interviews with academicians, and evaluations by the university board of trustees. Candidates are also required to specify a reference teacher who can provide information about them. After the application, accepted students will receive an acceptance letter. To benefit from the scholarship, candidates must have participated in the relevant exams in the 2024 YKS and placed in one of the departments and programs mentioned in the acceptance letter within their top 5 preferences."

Erol Demirbaş, a first-year student in Mechanical Engineering at Altınbaş University, benefits from the Inspire Future Scholarship in addition to the ÖSYM Scholarship. Erol shared his experiences with the Inspire Future Scholarship, attributing his success to being a versatile individual.

Erol Demirbaş said, "I am inclined towards mechanical topics, and I am shaping my career as a mechanical engineer. In high school, I captained the team in TÜBİTAK Efficiency Challenge Electric Vehicle Competitions. We reached the finals in Technofest with a robot arm using artificial intelligence-supported image processing technologies in the Assistive Technologies category." He also mentioned his involvement in music and psychology during high school.

Highlighting the importance of assessing students based on their talents and skills, Erol said, "In Turkey, many university students are not selected according to their talents. Students are evaluated based on their scores from ÖSYM. However, a person is more than just a score. Students should be given the chance to prove themselves, and universities should have the opportunity to choose students. Many universities around the world operate with this system, leading to increased success rates. With Inspire Future, Altınbaş University has precisely achieved that, and I am very happy to develop my career in the kitchen of Altınbaş University Electric Vehicle Team (EVA Team) right now."