

Today, eye diseases and disorders which are directly related to human health as well as their treatment make opticianry an indispensable profession. The fact that no technological solutions have been discovered to replace glasses ensures that opticianry will remain as an important line of work in the future as well.

In order to operate an opticianry store in Turkey, employers must hire an optician with an associate's degree in opticianry. Our Opticianry programme has been launched an Academic Year 2014-2015 at our conveniently located Bakırköy Campus in Istanbul. The graduates of our programme that works in cooperation with organisations and associations operating in opticianry industry are awarded an associate's degree in opticianry and can work as an optician. Our graduates can either open their own opticianry stores as an optician or work as a qualified health technician and a manager of an opticianry store.  

Equipped with strong theoretical and practical knowledge, the graduates of the opticianry associate's degree programme will be quickly able to adapt to latest trends in opticianry industry and get hired easily as competent professionals.    

As Altınbaş University Vocational School of Health Services, we are proud to teach students the profession of Opticianry. Candidates who are eager to get noticed and become a highly employable professional are always welcome to our programme. 


Asst. Prof. Derya GEMİCİ DEVECİ
Chair of Opticianry Associate's Degree Programme​