Message from the Head of Department

In the 21st century, with the rapidly developing technology, smart systems and applications have entered every aspect of our lives. Therefore, the need for the development, production and maintenance of such systems has increased. Accordingly, the need for specialized engineers to work in many sectors that develop products and services such as informatics, telecommunications, automotive, banks and financial institutions, hospital chains and health complexes, white goods is also increasing. Software Engineering is one of the most needed engineering fields both in R&D departments where companies in the sector develop products and services and in information technology departments, which are the backbone of these companies. In order to meet this need, "Software Engineering Program" was established at Altınbaş University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.
With this program, it is aimed to train leading engineers who have a high level of general ability, analytical and inquisitive perspective, reasoning and design skills, the ability to effectively transfer what they know to others, are prone to teamwork, open to new ideas, sensitivity and curiosity about innovations in the world, researchers, the ability to synthesize different disciplines and the ability to use resources efficiently, and will always contribute to academic and technological developments. "Software Engineering Program" will be very accurate and useful in terms of the requirements of our country and will be one of the successful programs aiming to meet these requirements in our country.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oğuz ATA
Head of Department