Message from the Head of Department

Altınbaş University Department of Architecture aims to develop an innovative research culture by being active in research and practice at national and international level within the framework of a supportive education and training environment.
The Department of Architecture provides a four-year education that aims to produce and organize knowledge in the field of human, building and environmental relations and to use this knowledge in design, organization, application and consultancy activities. With the adopted learning by doing approach, the curriculum of the department consists of courses that integrate theoretical knowledge with practice and aim to develop profession-specific competencies and general competencies. In addition to effective knowledge transfer, the main objective is to train students as thinking and questioning individuals. "ARCHITECT" diploma is given to those who complete four years of education.
In order to catch up with the changing and growing world of knowledge, the program language is English. In addition, there are master's programs with and without thesis in Architecture. The educational content has been prepared according to the Bologna process criteria in parallel with international architecture programs.
The staff of the Department of Architecture consists of full-time academicians who are competent in different fields of specialization and experts in their fields, and a rich academic staff who provide external support with their experience in academic and professional life.
Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Can UZUN
Head of Architecture Department