End of Term Movie Screening Event
“End of Semester Film Screening” event organized by Altınbaş University Department of Radio-TV and Cinema took place.
Three short films met with the audience at the “End of Semester Film Screening” event organized by Altınbaş University Department of Radio-TV and Cinema. After the screenings held in the Gayrettepe campus conference hall, a conversation was held with the participation of the film crew and directors. In the interview, the directors shared their experiences and set experiences with other students.
Directed by Atakan Demirbozan, one of the RTS Department students, the film “Tütenler ve Sönenler” focuses on the clash of two opposing views with its political and fairytale style, while the film “Bir Varmış Bir Yokmuş” deals with the theme of accepting death with its fantasy/drama style. The film “Intersection”, directed by Sevinç İslamoğulları, also a student of the department, tells the story of people and emotions through colors with its experimental functioning.