Treatment of Sun Spots is Possible

Sun spots are also on the agenda with the summer months. Altınbaş University Faculty of Medicine Faculty Member Dr. Seher Küçükoğlu Cesur gave information about sunspots on the face and made suggestions for treatment.

Sunspots have become a problem for almost everyone due to the harmful sun rays reaching the surface of the earth due to global warming in the summer season. Altınbaş University Faculty of Medicine Faculty Member Dermatologist Dr. Seher Küçükoğlu Cesur, regarding sunspots, which are more common in the face area and do not go away spontaneously if not intervened, stated that the treatment of spots is possible, but underlined that people should protect themselves from the sun. 

Stating that the sun spot is actually a regional color darkening, Dermatologist Seher Küçükoğlu Cesur said, “Regional color darkening on the face, popularly known as sun spots, is common in women, especially in summer.  Sun rays act on melanocyte cells that synthesize the melanin pigment that gives the skin its color, causing both the number of these cells to increase and the melanin pigment they produce to increase.  As a result, a group of skin diseases called sunspots develop. There are different clinical types of these spots. Some of them can reach a few mm, while others can reach up to 1-2 cm. These are called lentigo (freckle) and melasma." 

What is the cause of sunspots and where are they most common? 

Stating that there are many factors such as genetic predisposition in the formation of sun spots, Dr. Seher Küçükoğlu Cesur said, “There are many factors in the formation of spots. We can list them as genetic predisposition, pregnancy, hormonal drug use (such as birth control medication), some drugs that cause sun sensitivity, solarium, light sources and skin type. While freckles and sun spots called solar lentigo are more common in light-skinned, red-haired people, melasma is more prominent in dark-skinned people. Melasma occurs especially after tanning in summer and with the effect of hormones due to pregnancy.  These sunspots are not harmful to health and only disturb the patient cosmetically." 

Küçükoğlu Cesur also reminded that melasma, which is one of the sunspots, which we see quite frequently, is seen on the forehead, nose and cheeks that receive the sun vertically on the face, and said, “They are 4-5 cm sharp limited dark brown colored spots.  It is more common in dark-colored people because melanin synthesis is more common in these people.  While freckles located on the upper layer of the skin are seen on the face, soler lentigos appear as small lighter colored spots on both the face, back, chest and arms." 

“Protectors should be used 1 every 2-3 hours, 3 times a day”

Underlining that sun protection is extremely important even though it is possible to treat it, Küçükoğlu Cesur said that regular sunscreen should be used first to prevent the formation of spots. Stating that sunscreens with a protection factor between 30-50 should be preferred and sunscreen cream should be applied 20 minutes before going out in the sun, Cesur recommended that the protector should be repeated every 2-3 hours, 3 times a day. Cesur also said, “The use of hats in addition to sunscreen also prevents the formation of sun spots.” 

“The treatments applied give successful results”

Altınbaş University Faculty Member Dermatology Specialist Dr. Seher Küçükoğlu Cesur, who said that the treatments are very promising and good results are obtained, continued her words with information about the treatment as follows:

"These sun-related spots do not go away on their own. There have been significant developments in spot treatments in recent years. One of these treatments is serums and creams containing some active ingredients such as vitamin C, azealeic acid, retinol, arbutrin, glycolic acid, hydroquinone, especially used at night.  In addition to this treatment, PRP, mesotherapy and chemical peels give satisfactory results. In addition to these treatments, laser systems are also successfully used to remove blemishes.  Laser treatments are performed in 4-5 sessions with 1 month intervals. Q switch laser, Pico laser and BBL systems are successful among these laser applications that can also be applied in summer.