Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan appointed as Chief Advisor to the President

Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan, who successfully served as the Rector of Altınbaş University for the past 10 years and made significant breakthroughs in the academic development of the university, was appointed as the Chief Advisor to the Presidency.

Known for his extensive academic knowledge in the fields of international relations and political history, Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan started his academic career at Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences and then completed his PhD in history at Hacettepe University. Erhan, who has conducted studies and published books in many fields related to Turkish and world politics, has conducted academic studies at prestigious institutions such as George Washington University, Georgetown University, Tel-Aviv University and Tokyo Chuo University. Prof. Erhan was appointed as a professor in January 2009 and has been the Rector of Altınbaş University since 2017.

Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan's academic and professional background

Born in 1972 in Istanbul, Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan completed his undergraduate and associate degree at Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Relations. In 1994, he started his academic career as a research assistant in the Department of Political History of the same department. After completing his PhD in History at Hacettepe University, Prof. Erhan worked on security issues at George Washington University, Georgetown University and Tel-Aviv University, and was a visiting professor at Tokyo Chuo University, where he lectured on the European Union to graduate students.

He became a professor in January 2009 and served as a professor at Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Relations until 2015. During this time, he successfully carried out many academic and administrative duties and was among the founding editors of Ankara European Studies and International Relations Journals. In 2014, he contributed to academic publishing as the General Coordinator of the Journal of International Relations.

He served as the Deputy Director of Ankara University European Communities Research and Application Center between 2000-2003 and as the Director between 2005-2015. He has held various positions in organizations such as the Strategic Research Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Relations Council, the Turkish Military History Commission, the National Committee on Historiography of the Ministry of National Education, the Editorial Board of the Council of Europe History Education Projects, and the International Center for Political and Economic Research.

Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the Turkish-Atlantic Council in 2007, and in 2008 he served as the Vice President of the Eurasian Center for Strategic Studies. In 2009-2010, he served as the Coordinator of the International Strategic Research Council and the Head of the Center for Transatlantic Studies. In 2013, he was elected to the Scientific Board of the Atatürk Research Center of the Prime Ministry Atatürk, Culture, Language and History Supreme Council and in 2014 he was elected to the Advisory Board of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archive Automation.

Between 1997 and 2015, he taught History of US Diplomacy, Political History, EU-Türkiye Relations, Turkish Foreign Policy at Mülkiye; Political History at TOBB Economy and Technology University and Middle East at Bahçeşehir University. He also served as Jean Monnet Chair and Head of the Department of Comparative International Politics at Ankara University.

Altınbaş University and Presidential positions

Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan, who assumed the position of Rector of Altınbaş University in June 2015, has carried out important works to increase the academic quality of the university during his leadership. In 2018, he was appointed as a member of the Foreign and Security Policies Board of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye and continued to contribute to Türkiye's foreign policy strategies at national and international level.

In addition, Erhan has made programs on many national television channels such as TRT, SkyTürk, TV100, TVNet and has written weekly columns in Türkiye Newspaper. As a respected academic and expert in his field, he has authored more than 20 books and contributed to research on international relations, political history and Turkish foreign policy.

With his new position, Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan will continue to serve Türkiye in the field of state administration and foreign policy as the Chief Advisor to the Presidency.

We would like to thank him for the valuable work and academic leadership he has left behind at our university and wish him success in his new position.