The real danger in kindergartens and nurseries! Beware of the risk of noise-induced hearing loss

Altınbaş Üniversitesi Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölüm Başkanı Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mesut Çevik, anaokulu ve kreşlerdeki gürültü seviyelerinin çocuklar ve öğretmenler üzerindeki etkilerinden bahsetti.

Altınbaş University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Head Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Mesut Çevik warned that noise levels in kindergartens and nurseries can cause serious hearing loss in children and teachers. Stating that according to scientific research, the noise level in working environments should not exceed 85 decibels (dB), Dr. Mesut Çevik said, “If this threshold value is exceeded, permanent hearing damage may occur. Especially long-term exposure carries a great risk.”

“Noise levels in kindergartens and nurseries are above the acceptable limit”

Prof. Dr. Mesut Çevik emphasized that the sound frequencies of children are higher than those of adults and that the noise level generated when a certain number of children come together exceeds 85 dB. Stating that this situation seriously threatens the hearing health of both children and teachers, Çevik said that measures are being taken in Germany and the Netherlands by recognizing this problem.

“Measures are being taken in Germany and the Netherlands”

As a result of scientific studies led by the University of Tübingen in Germany, noise measurements are made in kindergartens and nurseries during free play hours and measures are taken if the threshold value is exceeded. Children are divided into groups of up to eight and the noise level is taken under control. This has been successfully implemented in Germany and the Netherlands.

“A great unrecognized danger in Türkiye”

Stating that this problem has been ignored in Türkiye, Dr. Çevik from Altınbaş University said that the Ministry of National Education, otolaryngologists, education unions and electrical and electronics engineers have not yet raised awareness on this issue. He stated that high noise levels may be one of the reasons for the hearing loss experienced by many teachers who retired from the education community. Dr. Çevik emphasized that this problem, which threatens the health of millions of children and education workers, should be brought to the agenda and called on the authorities to take action.