The most important causes of gum disease: Chewing tobacco, cigars, pipes and hookahs.

Altınbaş University Faculty of Dentistry Dean, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Dirikan İpçi stated that individuals who are considering quitting smoking can get through the process more easily with the help of an expert.

Smoking has many negative effects on oral and dental health. Experts agree that quitting smoking is a very challenging process, and state that success is possible when continued with determination. On February 9, World Quit Smoking Day, Altınbaş University Faculty of Dentistry Dean Prof. Dr. Şebnem Dirikan İpçi stated that individuals who are considering quitting smoking can get through the process more easily with the help of an expert. She also made important statements about the negative effects of smoking on gum health.

Stating that smoking is one of the most important causes of gum diseases, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Dirikan İpçi stated that tobacco chewing, cigar, pipe and hookah use have similar effects.

“Smoking negatively affects gum health. The main reasons for this include reducing gum blood flow, weakening defense cells, delaying wound healing and increasing inflammatory products that cause tissue destruction.”

“Tooth staining and bad breath are among the negative effects of smoking”

In addition, Prof. Dr. İpçi stated that smoking triggers not only gum health but also systemic disorders such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and emphasized that smoking has negative effects on social life. Serious problems such as tooth staining, bad breath, tooth loss, gum disease and even oral cancer can occur due to smoking.

“It weakens the response to periodontal treatment”

Pointing out that smoking weakens the response to periodontal treatment, Prof. Dr. Dirikan İpçi stated that although the disease is more severe in smokers, gingival bleeding is less common. For this reason, he stated that it is of great importance for smokers to have their dental examinations more frequently in terms of early diagnosis and treatment. He stated that electronic cigarettes, which have become widespread in recent years, cause similar negative effects.

Tips for quitting smoking

Emphasizing that quitting smoking will both slow the progression of diseases and positively affect the response to treatment, Dirikan İpçi drew attention to the need to direct individuals who are considering quitting smoking to “smoking cessation programs”. Emphasizing that it is never too late to decide to quit smoking, she said, “As soon as you quit smoking, all disease risks begin to decrease. For this, first prepare a list by determining why you want to quit smoking. Then, set a clear quit date and strictly adhere to this date,” he advised. 

“Brushing teeth more often reduces the desire to smoke”

He also said, “Getting support from your dentist, medical doctor, family and friends is also very important in this process.” He reminded that medication or alternative treatment can also be recommended by a specialist to help the body adapt to life without nicotine. He listed other suggestions that can help quit smoking as follows: “Doing sports, taking up new hobbies, chewing sugar-free gum and brushing teeth more often are among the effective methods to reduce the desire to smoke. Stay away from smoking environments and objects that remind you of smoking. When the urge to smoke comes, breathing deeply, drinking water or engaging in a different activity will quickly reduce this urge.”