Head's Message

The global need for well-educated and fully-equipped healthcare professionals keeps increasing every day with the growing number of advancements in global healthcare industry. The “human lives" is the most precious thing we should protect and maintain, accordingly, the education of anaesthetic technicians, who are expected to work in collaboration with an anaesthesiologist when giving anaesthesia to patients, takes on an even more crucial importance.
Our two-year associate's degree programme is designed to produce productive healthcare technicians with strong communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills as well as modern medical knowledge, capable of preparing the patient for surgery, helping the anaesthesiologist when applying anaesthesia-related medical methods during all types of surgery, and monitoring patient's condition even after the surgery.
Our graduates are employed at any type of healthcare institutions where surgical operations are performed including university hospitals, public hospitals, private hospitals, maternity wards, and emergency or reanimation departments of hospitals, labour rooms, and IVF centres.
The ultimate purpose of Altınbaş University is to become a leading higher education institution where the highest academic and humanistic values are cherished. I would like to warmly welcome all prospective students to Altınbaş University on behalf of all faculty and staff.
Instructor Merve ZIVALI
Chair, Anaesthesia Associate's Degree Programme