Electrical and Electronics Engineering (English)

Message from the Head of Department

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mesut ÇEVİK

Today, science and technology are advancing very rapidly and the theoretical and experimental applications of Electrical and Electronics Engineering are of great importance especially for the development of science and technology. Electrical-Electronics engineering is very wide in terms of application areas. Electrical and Electronics engineers can work actively in many fields such as communication, control systems, robotics, electrical distribution systems, energy systems, electromagnetics, nanostructures, biomedical.
Altınbaş University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering offers the necessary knowledge and skills at the highest quality with its innovative educational opportunities and young, dynamic academic staff, each of whom graduated from reputable universities. In addition to the basic courses in our department, our students can gain an interdisciplinary perspective by specializing in their desired fields thanks to the applied courses carried out in modern laboratories and elective courses offered. In addition, our students can apply to our minor and double major programs and study in other fields. Thanks to our university's ERASMUS agreement with reputable universities in various European countries, our students can continue their education in a different country for six months to one year. In addition, with the CO-OP (cooperative education) education model, which combines university education and business life, our students can combine university education with workplace experience after a certain period of their education.
Our graduates will find a respectable place for themselves in the academic or business world in a short time as engineers who have high professional ethics, can take individual responsibility, are prone to teamwork, can conduct studies and research at national and international level, are creative, have leadership qualities, and can work in different disciplines.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mesut ÇEVİK
Head of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department