Message from the Head of Department

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Deniz AKGÜL

Dear Students,

Welcome to Altınbaş University Marketing Department!

In our department, we aim to offer you a comprehensive and innovative education designed in accordance with the needs of the modern business world. Marketing is a dynamic field that is not limited to the promotion of products and services, but covers a wide range of areas such as brand strategies, digital marketing and market analysis throughout the entire process, starting from the product design process to customer relationship management. Therefore, our department prepares you for a leadership role in the business world by combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications.

We attach great importance to the development of our students' critical thinking, problem solving and creative abilities. Our strong and dynamic academic staff offers you courses equipped with the most up-to-date information. Additionally, thanks to our business and industry collaborations, seminars, workshops and internship opportunities, you will gain real-world experience and start your business life one step ahead when you graduate.

We are here to prepare you for the changing and developing world of marketing. We believe that you will grow both academically and personally during your time in our department. As the Marketing Department, we are happy to have you among us.

Love and respect,

Assist. Prof. Deniz AKGÜL

Head of Marketing Department