Message from the Head of Department

Message from the Head of Department
Dear students, esteemed stakeholders;
Today’s rapid pace of technology brought fundamental changes to numerous aspects of our lives. Technological changes and advancements led to different and countless number of data types at individual, organizational and social level. How to process and use a large number of data surrounding our daily lives and businesses emerged as a new issue that needs to be addressed. Technological changes and transformations expanded the areas of utilization of computer/information and automation-based systems, resulting in analysis of countless data. The information technology allows the collection and analysis of data about our behaviour and decisions involving many aspects of our lives including online shopping, social networks, scientific research and financial transactions. This data which is nothing but a pile of large and complex clutter when it’s raw became meaningful with the help of new analysis methods and information technologies.
Data and analytical thought-based skills are becoming more and more prominent while some traditional jobs are disappearing as a result of latest technological advancements. Digital skills based on “collection, analysis and dissemination” of information are the fundamentals of this newly emerged technological and future-shaping trend. Therefore, creating new multidisciplinary academic programmes that focus on the improvement of these skills has become a major need. Fully aware of this technological transformation, Altınbaş University launched its Department of Management Information Systems under AU School of Applied Sciences.
AU Department of Management Information Systems basically aims to equip its students with skills needed to process and analyse large amounts of data in business environments so as to offer it as an input to decision support system. The way to acquire these skills involves a multidisciplinary activity where management, statistics, computer and information systems should be utilized together. Today, individuals with strong analytical skills are highly demanded in labour market. The graduates of Management Information Systems are equipped with knowledge of the basic functions of computer programming, statistics and business management. Our graduates are employable by many different industries that require analytical skills, data analysis and data processing knowledge. Also, the fact that our graduates have extensive know-how about the basic work processes and structural characteristics of an organisation; they can also get hired into positions where they will be responsible for ensuring the maximum effectiveness of a business organisation.
We already welcome you to Altınbaş University as individuals not only capable of keeping up to date with latest technological advancements but also capable of dreaming the future and designing it.
Asst. Prof. Muzaffer AYDEMİR
Asst. Prof. Muzaffer AYDEMİR