Math League Champions Visit Altınbaş University

Math League Champions Visit Altınbaş University

Vega Schools' Mathematics Team, won first place in Math League, was at Altınbaş University. After a chat with Rector Prof. Dr. Çağrı Erhan and Dean of Students Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duygu Kotan Türkden, Dean of Students, the students met with Eva Team.
YÖKAK Accreditation for Altınbaş University

YÖKAK Accreditation for Altınbaş University

Altınbaş University has registered its quality by obtaining YÖKAK Institutional Accreditation Certificate from the Institutional Accreditation Program.
What is Autism and How Much Do We Know?

What is Autism and How Much Do We Know?

Participating in Altınbaş University Wednesday Meetings, Tohum Autism Foundation R&D Manager Dr. Nursinem Şirin explained the misconceptions about autism; "Today, we can say that Van Gogh and Mozart had autism."
3 New Accreditations for Altınbaş University

3 New Accreditations for Altınbaş University

Altınbaş University's quality and standards have been certified. Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Radio, Television and Cinema Program and Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Psychology and Sociology programs were accredited by İLAD and FEDEK.
Digital Health Technologies and Medication Adherence

Digital Health Technologies and Medication Adherence

The Management Committee of the ENABLE COST Action, which aims to create a network to develop digital health technologies to increase medication adherence across Europe, was held in Istanbul and hosted by Altınbaş University.
What To Do And What Not To Do When YKS Is Approaching?

What To Do And What Not To Do When YKS Is Approaching?

Before YKS, experts recommend that candidates spend this process with final preparations and plenty of practice. Altınbaş University Dean of Students Dr. Lecturer. Prof Duygu Kotan Türkden draws attention to motivation and systematic work.
Attention to Changes in EU Organic Agriculture Legislation

Attention to Changes in EU Organic Agriculture Legislation

Climate change and drought risk affect agriculture, problems may arise in exports if legislation changes, especially in the EU, aren't paid attention. Altınbaş University Lecturer. Dr Füsun Zehra Özkan explained changes in organic agricultural products.
Precautionary Measure Proposal for Rent Determination Cases

Precautionary Measure Proposal for Rent Determination Cases

The rapid increase in inflation also affects rents. This increases the number of rent determination cases and sometimes leads to victimisation. Altınbaş University Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Umut Yeniocak made a suggestion to reduce lawsuits and victimisation.
A Close Look at State Climate Litigation

A Close Look at State Climate Litigation

The global change in the average temperature of the world brings with it a climate crisis that can cause serious problems. The crisis, which has many dimensions, was discussed in the Wednesday Meetings-Law Talks, this time in terms of climate lawsuits.
How to Ensure Investment Sustainability?

How to Ensure Investment Sustainability?

At the "Sustainability: Green Investments" panel, the results of the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in December 2023 were discussed.